Saturday, 18 May 2013


                                               HISTORY OF HIZBIYAH AND ITS ROOTS.
The history of Islam in its different times witnessed a lot of trials and tribulations, especially those who ascribed themselves to Islam without attesting to the correct meaning of Islam. The affair of which there is no difference in opinion about is that the foundation of Islam is the obligation of unity and harmony, and the forbiddance of segregation and differences, and that what is sought from every Muslim is that they should be upon the authentic Islam which was sent down to the messenger of Allah SAW and upon the first generation of Muslims. They were one nation until the Khawaarij[1] made their appearance, and they labeled the Senior Sahaaba (Companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him)as infidels. Then, the division persisted until the Rawaafid[2] emerged. The Qadariyyah[3] then emerged, then the Mu’tazilah[4] and other than them. And the symbols for these groups in entirety is the abandonment of following the Sahaaba [RA] in their understanding of the book and the Sunnah[5].

1 Khawaarij: They are the first hizb to manifest in the history of Islam. Their views caused a political split in the Muslim ummah. Among their views is their statement: ‘do you make as judges in the religion of Allah men’? The first to pronounce this statement was Urwah bn Jareer. Then some of the ignorant reciters took this view along with a group among the Arab Bedouins, and they killed Uthman bn Affan, may Allah be pleased with him and others from among the companions of Ali, may Allah be pleased with him and they say: la hukma illa lillahi{no judgement except for Allah}, that is, none must judge in religious affairs except Allah.                     
2 Raafidah (plural: rawaafid): They are those who refused to accept Zaid bn Ali because Abu Bakr and Umar, may Allah be pleased with both of them, appointed him in office and they subdivided in this refusal after that into groups and numerous parties coming together to abuse the companions and labeling them infidels. Also, among their traits is their aversion of the Muslim rulers and the best of generations i.e the early Muslims {Salaf as Saalih}, the companions of the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him.
And among the scholars is one who named the Rawaafid, the Shee’ah. {Check the book Al-Firaq bayna al-Firaq} by Al-Baghdaadee and Al-Malal al-Nahl of Al-Shahrastaanee.
3 They are the deniers of Al-Qadar [destiny], and the first to talk about this denial was Ma’bad Al-Juhanee in Basrah in the later times of the companions, and Geelaan Ad-Dimashqee. And before both of them was Al-Natabee Costantine, the Jaathaleeq[in the direction of Shaam] who opposed Umar RA while he was teaching in Shaam when Umar said “…and whoever Allah misguides, there is none to guide him aright”. And then Al-Natabee objected and denied destiny and said: “Verily, Allah does not misguide anyone. Then Umar threatened him with beheading if he manifested his statement on destiny a second time. Abdullah bn Muhammad reported it in ‘As-Sunnah.
4 Al-Mu’tazilah: They follow Waasil bn ‘Ataa [died 131AH] and ‘Amr bn ‘Ubaid [died 141AH] and they were named Al-Mu’tazilah because of that due to their withdrawal [I’tizal] from the sittings of Al-Hasan Al-Basri. They have five principles which are: Justice[adl], monotheism[tawheed], promise and threat {al-wa’d wal-wa’eed}, a station between two stations (they believe that a sinner who dies as a Muslim is between two stations, that is he is neither in paradise nor in hell) and commanding good and forbidding evil.
5 I say, you are right O doctor Khaalid may Allah preserve you from calamities and strife: for verily the symbols of the people of innovation [bid’ah] and division and hizbiyah in totality, is their abandonment of the methodology of the pious predecessors in their understanding of the Qu’ran and Sunnah. So do not be deceived by their du’a [invocations] which follow the Qu’ran and Sunnah. They follow the Qu’ran and the Sunnah but based on whose understanding? The understanding of their founders and their judges and their leaders and not on the understanding of the pious predecessors.

Then as for the Khawaarij, they adhere to the Qu’ran and Sunnah but with the understanding of their Judges like ‘Urwah bn Jareer and Al-Ash’ath bn Qais Al-Kindee, and Mus’ar bn Fajeej at-Taymeemee  and Abdullah bn Wahb Ar-Raasee, the first one whom the Khawaarij pledged allegiance to as the Imam over the rule of Zaid bn Aasim and the Jamaa’ah. And they understand that it is not permissible for men to judge in the religion of Allah in big matters or small matters taking from the statement of Allah: “…the judgement is none but for Allah” [6:57, 12:40]. And with this understanding which the Sahaaba [companions] did not understand as such, they declared majority of the Sahaaba as Kuffaar[infidels] starting from Imam Ali bn Abee Taalib RA and if was not for Allah through Ibn Abbas  i.e. Abdullah bn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, who debated with them and unveiled that which covered them of their weak understanding of the judgement and other than that from the issues, they would have been destroyed, those two thousand among them who returned to Madeenah with Ibn Abbaas from the desert.
Ar-Rawaafid: They adhere to the Qur’an and Sunnah but with the understanding of their judges from Al-Awbaash and Al-Anjaas from the Majoos and the Jews, and they speak with takfeer (declaring one an infidel or kaafir) of the companions of the messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, calling them infidels calling to witness what is established in Saheeh Bukharee number 6585: “O my Lord! My companions and He will say: “verily, you do not know what they innovated after you, verily, they turned on their backs in retreat”. However, these companions mentioned are those hypocrites in Medina who manifested Islam and concealed kufr and were not known to the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him.1
Al-Murjiah: They act on the Qur’an and the Sunnah but based on the understanding of their judges and they say: the lack of increase of faith in obedience to Allah and the lack of decrease of faith with sin. 2

1 This narration shows apart from the misguidance of following the Sunnah without proper understanding of the text but also that the noble prophet did not know the unseen, nay, he only knew what his Lord, The All Knowing taught him. M

2 This means, they believe that if a person were to pray, fast, perform pilgrimage, recite the Qur’an, enjoin good and forbid evil and so on from among the acts of worship, these would not increase his faith and if he were to drink alcohol, fornicate, lie, steal, murder, slander his brother and so on from the acts of sin, these would not reduce his faith. M

And they say none will enter hell as long as he says la ilaaha illa Allah, calling to witness what is established in Saheeh Bukhaaree no 5827 “none of the slaves say la ilaaha illa Allah” then dies on that except he will enter paradise.”
Al-Qadariyyah: They act on the Book and the Sunnah but based on the understanding of their judges from Ma’bad Al-Juhanee from Basrah, Geelan Ad-Damaashqee and other than them calling to witness what is established in Saheeh al Bukhaaree no 1385 “every child is born on the natural monotheism [fitrah] and then his father makes him a Jew or Christian or Magian.
Al-Mu’tazilah: They hold on to the Book and the sunnah but based on the understanding of their judges like Waasil bn Ataa and Amr bn Ubaid and other than them and they say about one who falls into a major sin that he is neither a believer nor a disbeliever but he is in a position between two positions calling to witness what is established in Saheeh Bukhaaree no 6016: “By Allah he does not believe. By Allah he does not believe. It was said, “Who, O Messenger of Allah? He said, the one who his neighbor is not safe from his mischief”. Is he a disbeliever? They say, the messenger only negated faith from him and the messenger SAW did not establish for him kufr[disbelief]. And I say, look into the futile philosophy which afflicted the Mu’tazilah when they established for Allah the name but not the attribute so they said about Allah, may He be exalted: The All-Knowing without knowledge, The All-Hearing without hearing, The All-Seeing without sight, The All Wise without wisdom and so on.
Al- Ikhwaan al-muslimeen [The Muslim Brotherhood]: They adhere to the book and the sunnah based on the understanding of their Qaadees (judges) from Hasan al-Bannaa and Al-Hadee at-Thanee and Mahdee Aakif and Al-Hadee al Awwal, Al-Talmasaanee and Abu Nasr and Mustafa Mashoor  and Mustafa al- Sabaa’ee and Muhammad al-Ghazalee and Fath and Al-Qardawee and Al-Zindaanee and Muhammad Mahmoud al-Sawaaf and other than them.
And the statements of Hasan Al-Bannaa about the attributes of Allah and tawassul are common as well as those of Umar Al-Talmasaanee about aqeedah. And Saeed Hawaa said in his book ‘Jawlah al mutafaqiheen’ pages 22-62 taken from the risaalah of Faisal page38 “Verily the muslims have in these times imams in aqeedah, and their imams in creed are the likes of Abu Hasan al-Ash’aree and Abu Mansoor al-Maatureedee”. And he also said “The Ummah submits to the judgements of only these two: Abu Hasan and Abu Mansoor al Maatureedee”.
I say and the truth is more correct to be said, this statement is not free from errors and nonsense, as Saeed bn Hawaa divided the Muslim Ummah in connection with their imams into Imams of aqeedah and Imams of other than aqeedah [creed], and this is an unfair division, this is no other than names you named, you and your fathers of old which Allah has sent no authority. Then why are the imams of fiqh [jurisprudence] not the imams of aqeedah and akhlaaq[character] and sulook[good mannerisms]? And why is this extremism in division which is not comprehensive but restrictive? And he said: “the Muslim nation submits their affairs of creed to the judgements of these two: Abu Hasan and Abu Mansoor al-Maatureedee”? And why should the Muslim Ummah submit their affairs of creed to these two instead of three or four or above? This statement claims nothing other than that the predecessor follows the successor, and the successor is the leader of the predecessor, or that the child is the progenitor of the father, and that the father is the son of his child. And the likes of this statement is not formed except as a fitnah[trial, calamity etc], we ask Allah for tranquility and well being.
Jamaa’atu al-Islaamiyah: they adhere to the Qur’aan and Sunnah but based on the understanding of their judges like Abu A’la al-Mawdoodee, Mayyaan Tufayl Muhammad, and Qaadee Husayn Ahmad and other than them.
Al-Majlis Islaamiy [The Muslim Congress]: They adhere to the Qur’aan and the Sunnah but based on the understanding of their judges.
Jamaa’atu Tadaamun al Muslimeen: they hold on to the Book and sunnah but based on the understanding of their judges. And what is surprising is that we see from their attributes, religious knowledge which in reality is not sufficient, and also their gathering of people in order to lead them. And don’t forget O noble reader that we mentioned earlier from the statement of Doctor Khaalid: that the reason behind the division of this Muslim nation in the beginning is the moving away of individuals and groups from the understanding of the Salaf to their own understanding of the book and the Sunnah. And this is very important. And it protects us from division and innovation. And this is what Allah commands. And if a speaker says: is not following the book and the Sunnah sufficient?
I say: yes, it is not sufficient as Allah and His messenger were the two who said this.
Allah says: “and whoever contradicts and opposes the messenger [Muhammad, peace be on him]  after the right path has been shown clearly to him, and follows other than the believers’ way, we shall keep him in the path he has chosen, and burn him in hell what an evil destination”[Q4;115]. And He also said: “So if they believe in the like of that which you believe, then they are rightly guided; but if they turn away, then they are only in opposition. So Allah will suffice for you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower”. [2:137], that is in their differing and separating. This is because the Eeman of the Sahaaba is the scale for measuring the Eeman of the Kuffaar before them, and also it is the scale for measuring our faith as we are those who came after them.
And Allah says: “and the foremost to embrace Islam of the Muhaajiroon and the Ansaar and also those who followed them exactly in faith, Allah is well pleased with them and they with Him. He has prepared for them gardens under which rivers flow(paradise), to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success(Q9;100). Ibn katheer said in connection to this verse, “Verily Allah has informed us that He is well pleased with the foremost among the Muhaajiroon and the Ansaar, and those who follow them in goodness, so woe to those who hate them or abuse them, or hate and abuse some of them especially the foremost of the Sahaaba after the Prophet peace be on him and the best of them, that is the greatest Siddeeq and the great Khaleefah, Abu-Bakr ibn Abu-Quhaafah, may Allah be truly pleased with him, for verily, the despicable group from the Rawaafid oppose the best among the Sahaabah and hate and abuse them, and we seek Allah’s refuge from that, and this points to the fact that their intellect is inverted and their hearts are reversed and where can eeman be found for such who abuse those whom Allah is pleased with? As for Ahlus-sunnah, then they are pleased with whom Allah is pleased with, and they abuse who Allah and his messenger abuse, and they befriend those who Allah befriends, and they oppose those who Allah opposes, and they follow and they do not innovate and they imitate and do not innovate in matters of religion, and for this reason, they are the successful and are the true believers of Allah and his true slaves.
As for what is mentioned in the Sunnah: and verily the messenger of Allah ascribed the understanding of the companions to that which was revealed to him, from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, when he said in the hadith of Irbaad bn Saariyah, may Allah be pleased with him, “I adjoin you to fear Allah and listen and obey{your Muslim rulers in charge}, even if he is an Abyssinian slave, then verily, those that live long shall see a lot of differences so beware of newly invented matters{in the religion} for verily it is misguidance, then whoever sees these differences then upon him is my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided khaleefahs after me, hold on to it with your molars{i.e adhere strictly to the sunnah}. Abu Dawoud narrated it in his ‘Sunan’ number3991 and Tirmidhi also number 2600, and also the statement of the prophet SAW in the hadith of the splitting of the Ummah, when he was asked which of the sects would be the saved one and he said: “…what I and my companions are upon today”, and the statement of Abdullahi bn Mas’oud: “…verily Allah looked into the hearts of the slaves, and he found the heart of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, the best of hearts of his slaves so He chose him to Himself, and He sent him with His message, then He looked into the hearts of the slaves after the heart of Muhammad, salaallaahu alayhi wa sallam, then found the hearts of the companions the best of hearts of the slaves, so He made them the ministers of his Prophet, Peace be on him and they fought for His religion, then whatever the Muslims see as good[that is, the early Muslims], then it is good with Allah and whatever they saw as evil, then it is evil with Allah”, reported by Ahmad 3600 and Tayaalisee 240 in both their Musnads. From this we say, it is clear to us that the one who is far removed from the misguidance of vain desires and fitnah and division, then he is the one who adheres strictly to the book and the sunnah with the understanding of the righteous predecessors, for verily they took from it an abundant portion, and they achieved a great success. And they were on undisputed guidance, and with sufficient knowledge, and clear insight. And the happy one is he who treads their path. And the wretched is the one who deviates left and right away from their path, straying in the darkness of destruction and misguidance. He thinks the mirage is water out of his desires and when he arrives at it, he finds nothing there but shaytan, overpowering him. We seek refuge with Allah from deviation. Now tell me by your Lord, which of the two groups is better?
And verily, those who try to belittle the pious Salaf from methodology of knowledge, which is necessary to rule by, using the understanding of the book and the sunnah, and holding on to during differences and division, base their arguments on two delusions. These delusions have no form of evidence for them, and verily, the philosophers make their conclusions on these two delusions:
Firstly: they say that the method of the Salaf is based on more submission [aslam] and that of the Khalaf is based on more knowledge [a’alam] and wisdom. This is an erroneous statement because the more submissive one is, the more knowledgeable and wiser he becomes, because knowledge and wisdom necessitates submissiveness. And from among the opponents of the Salaf’s manhaj, Sa’eed Ramadaan in his defective book titled “As-Salafiyyah fitratun zamaniyyatun mubaarakatun wa laysa madhhaban”. And may Allah reward the pious scholars in their refutation and investigation into this book, and among these excellent scholars is the doctor, the sheikh, Saalih bn Fawzaan bn Abdullahi al Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him and strengthen him.
Secondly:  their preoccupation with Greek philosophy and vain discussion, Ibn al-Hisaar said: a lot of statements manifested during the time of Al-Ma’moun, the ruler,  and there were differences in opinion about the scholar and his statements, and the genuine and his uprightness, and  honor and its essence, and innovators spread swiftly, and those with deviation in their hearts learnt customs and traditions intending by them to cause dissension among Ahlus-sunnah and putting doubts in the minds of the weak among the people of religion and this situation did not cease until bid’ah appeared. And the innovators became groups, and the sultan, Al-Ma’moun, got mixed up and said that the Qur’aan was created and compelled his people to follow this ideology. Ahmad bn Hanbal, the imam of the sunnah, was flogged for opposing this, and some men from Ahlus-sunnah turned and fell head-long with the innovators and their traditions.
And for this reason, the people of Islam divided, and some declared others as kuffaar, and they became enemies after their brotherhood as Ibn Rajab said, many from among them went out of the authentic Islam which the messenger, Peace be on him and his companions were upon…and the Imams warned of this division more than the warning of fornication and immorality, when they saw the dangers in these divisions. Then a succession of periods elapsed on the Ummah and a lot of authentic symbols of the religion were lost and a lot of commotion occurred, and the strength of the Ummah became weakness, and its goodness and affluence was stolen. Then the zealous ones among the Ummah’s progeny want to return its glory and splendor. However, self respect and a sense of honor is not sufficient, and it is unavoidable, nay compulsory, that its companions adorn themselves with mastery of religious knowledge, and a sound understanding of Islam because these people have strong differences, and different paths branch out within their fold, and their plans differ because of the realization of this great goal, and they adopt many methodologies, some political, and others not political, and some jihad methodologies and others not jihad methodologies, and they practise hizbiyyah and every hizb from among them take a name or title which they are known by, and a leader whom they pledge allegiance to listen and obey in hardship and in ease, in good and in bad, and they give him rights which is not befitting except for a great  imam, and they begin to break from the body of the Ummah and with it, cause a lot of darkness for themselves, and they increase in splitting the Ummah and wearing out its strength.  

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